As mentioned time for condition variable to react depends on many factors. One option is to actually measure it: you may start a thread that waits on a condition variable. Then, another thread that signals the condition variable takes timestamp right before signaling the variable. The thread that waits on the variable also takes timestamp the moment it wakes up. Simple as that. This way you may have rough approximation about time it takes for the thread to notice the signaled condition.
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> timep;
int main()
std::mutex mx;
std::condition_variable cv;
timep t0, t1;
bool done = false;
std::thread th([&]() {
while (!done)
std::unique_lock lock(mx);
t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) // measure 25 times
t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::unique_lock lock(mx);
printf("test#%-2d: cv reaction time: %6.3f micro\n", i,
1000000 * std::chrono::duration<double>(t1 - t0).count());
std::unique_lock lock(mx);
done = true;
Try it on coliru, it produced this output:
test#0 : cv reaction time: 50.488 micro
test#1 : cv reaction time: 55.057 micro
test#2 : cv reaction time: 53.765 micro
test#3 : cv reaction time: 50.973 micro
test#4 : cv reaction time: 51.015 micro
test#5 : cv reaction time: 57.166 micro
and so on...
On my windows 11 laptop I got values roughly 5-10x faster (5-10 microseconds).