What I'm trying to do
On avito.ru (Russian real estate site), person's phone is hidden until you click on it. I want to collect the phone using Scrapy+Splash.
Example URL: https://www.avito.ru/moskva/kvartiry/2-k_kvartira_84_m_412_et._992361048
After you click the button, pop-up is displayed and phone is visible.
I'm using Splash execute API with following Lua script:
function main(splash)
return splash:png()
The button is not clicked and phone number is not displayed. It's a trivial task, and I have no explanation why it doesn't work.
Click works fine for another field on the same page, if we replace item-phone-button
with js-show-stat
. So Javascript in general works, and the blue "Display phone" button must be special somehow.
What I've tried
To isolate the problem, I created a repo with minimal example script and a docker-compose file for Splash: https://github.com/alexanderlukanin13/splash-avito-phone
Javascript code is valid, you can verify it using Javascript console in Chrome and Firefox
I've tried it with Splash versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, result is the same.
I've also tried:
@Lore's suggestions, including
approach (see simulate_click branch)mouseDown/mouseUp events as described here: Simulating a mousedown, click, mouseup sequence in Tampermonkey? (see trigger_mouse_event branch)
splash.private_mode_enabled = false
to the original script does the job. Thanks Mike! – Aeolotropic