I am trying to do anaphora resolution and for that below is my code.
first i navigate to the folder where i have downloaded the stanford module. Then i run the command in command prompt to initialize stanford nlp module
java -mx4g -cp "*;stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09/*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000
After that i execute below code in Python
from pycorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost:9000')
I want to change the sentence Tom is a smart boy. He know a lot of thing.
into Tom is a smart boy. Tom know a lot of thing.
and there is no tutorial or any help available in Python.
All i am able to do is annotate by below code in Python
coreference resolution
output = nlp.annotate(sentence, properties={'annotators':'dcoref','outputFormat':'json','ner.useSUTime':'false'})
and by parsing for coref
coreferences = output['corefs']
i get below JSON
{u'1': [{u'animacy': u'ANIMATE',
u'endIndex': 2,
u'gender': u'MALE',
u'headIndex': 1,
u'id': 1,
u'isRepresentativeMention': True,
u'number': u'SINGULAR',
u'position': [1, 1],
u'sentNum': 1,
u'startIndex': 1,
u'text': u'Tom',
u'type': u'PROPER'},
{u'animacy': u'ANIMATE',
u'endIndex': 6,
u'gender': u'MALE',
u'headIndex': 5,
u'id': 2,
u'isRepresentativeMention': False,
u'number': u'SINGULAR',
u'position': [1, 2],
u'sentNum': 1,
u'startIndex': 3,
u'text': u'a smart boy',
u'type': u'NOMINAL'},
{u'animacy': u'ANIMATE',
u'endIndex': 2,
u'gender': u'MALE',
u'headIndex': 1,
u'id': 3,
u'isRepresentativeMention': False,
u'number': u'SINGULAR',
u'position': [2, 1],
u'sentNum': 2,
u'startIndex': 1,
u'text': u'He',
u'type': u'PRONOMINAL'}],
u'4': [{u'animacy': u'INANIMATE',
u'endIndex': 7,
u'gender': u'NEUTRAL',
u'headIndex': 4,
u'id': 4,
u'isRepresentativeMention': True,
u'number': u'SINGULAR',
u'position': [2, 2],
u'sentNum': 2,
u'startIndex': 3,
u'text': u'a lot of thing',
u'type': u'NOMINAL'}]}
Any help on this?