I work for a healthcare SaaS company where all of our SSOs use SAML 2.0, and we cannot use LDAP. We have one particular client right now who wants to use ADFS to SSO from their intranet to our site and seem to act as though LDAP is the only option (and that they can't produce SAML assertions for our handshake).
What is the difference between SSO and SAML? What can one accomplish that the other one cannot? Why would my company require SAML over LDAP?
What I'm theorizing from research but am welcoming correction on:
-SAML is safer than LDAP because of authentication/encryption (but I don't know the specifics)
-LDAP is more widely used with companies but SAML is often used with enterprise clients
-LDAP can also be used to control users' access to other programs/sites they have access to (i.e. IT and revoking access to a terminated employee)
Thank you for your help!