According to the documentation (, even with AUTOCOMMIT
set to off, PSQL issues an implicit BEGIN
just before any command that is not already in a transaction block and is not itself a BEGIN
or other transaction-control command, nor a command that cannot be executed inside a transaction block such as VACUUM
. (Unfortunately CALL
is not treated in the same way as VACCUM
). And, according to Shaun Thomas (, the invalid transaction termination error happens because it is not possible to close the current transaction (in this case the one initiated by PSQL) from within the procedure. I have tried with all the PSQL settings related to transaction control, but the invalid transaction termination error occurs with all of them; even if the commands file processed by PSQL contains only the CALL
This is the procedure I'm calling:
create or replace procedure producto$cargar_imagenes(_super$ bigint, _archivo$ character varying) as $$
_msg character varying;
_log rastro_proceso%ROWTYPE;
perform rastro_proceso_temporal$insert(_super$);
perform producto$cargar_imagenes$biz(_super$, _archivo$);
if (_super$ is not null and _super$ > 0) then
perform producto$cargar_imagenes$log(_super$, _archivo$);
perform tarea_usuario$private$update(6519204281880642486, null);
end if;
$$ language plpgsql set search_path = public;
It fails at the commit
statement; it works if I comment it out.