I have this set of (Greek) strings:
ἸἼΙἹἽ, ῇηἤήῃὴῆἡἠἢᾖἥἣῄἦᾗᾐἧᾔᾑ, σς, οὸόὀὄὅὂ, ὺὖυῦύὐὑὔΰϋὕὗὓὒῢ
I'd like to find all possible permutations of the characters in these 5 strings. For example, Ἰῇσοὺ, Ἰῇσοὖ, Ἰῇσου, etc. I know it should involve recursion since the number of strings is not fixed but I'm a beginner and I'm completely dumbfounded by recursion.
I did the following in Python and it does give me all combinations of the characters in each string. But I need the 'ἸἼΙἹἽ' to always come first, 'ῇηἤήῃὴῆἡἠἢᾖἥἣῄἦᾗᾐἧᾔᾑ' second,'σς' third, etc.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def Gen( wd, pos, chars ):
if pos < len( chars ):
for c in chars:
for l in c:
Gen( wd + l, pos + 1, chars )
print wd
chars = [ u'ἸἼΙἹἽ', u'ῇηἤήῃὴῆἡἠἢᾖἥἣῄἦᾗᾐἧᾔᾑ', u'σς', u'οὸόὀὄὅὂ', u'ὺὖυῦύὐὑὔΰϋὕὗὓὒῢ' ]
Gen( "", 0, chars )
Thanks for the help everybody. My mind is completely blown. Recursion! Here's what I ended up doing in Python:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
s = [ u'ἸἼΙἹἽ', u'ῇηἤήῃὴῆἡἠἢᾖἥἣῄἦᾗᾐἧᾔᾑ', u'σς', u'οὸόὀὄὅὂ', u'ὺὖυῦύὐὑὔΰϋὕὗὓὒῢ' ]
results = []
def recur( wd, strings ):
index = 0
if index < len( strings ):
for c in strings[ index ]:
recur( wd + c, strings[ index + 1: ] )
results.append( wd )
def main():
recur( '', s )
for r in results:
print r.encode( 'utf-8' )