Unfortunately, the comment you read is still true. Here is a list of all the available triggers and a trigger for a new file added to a folder
is not one of them.
Workaround / Explanation:
I can offer you a workaround which is usually used by developers when they built their add-ons. You can take advantage of the PropertiesService class. The logic is quite simple.
- You will store key-value pairs scoped to the script:
In your case, the key will be the folder id, and the value will be the number of files under this folder.
You will setup a time-driven trigger to execute mainFunction
for example every one minute.
The script will count the current number of files within the selected folder. The function responsible for that is countFiles
The checkProperty
function is responsible for checking if the current number of files under this folder matches the old number of files. If there is a match, meaning no files were added, then checkProperty
returns false
, otherwise return true
and update the property for the current folder ID, so when the script runs after 1 minute, it will compare with the fresh value.
If checkProperty
returns true
, then execute the desired code.
Code snippet:
Set up a time-driven trigger for mainFunction
. Whatever code you put inside the brackets of the if(runCode)
statement will be executed if the number of files under the folderID
has changed.
function mainFunction(){
const folderID = 'folderID'; //provide here the ID of the folder
const newCounter = countFiles(folderID);
const runCode = checkProperty(folderID, newCounter);
// here execute your main code
console.log("I am executed!");
And here are the helper functions which need to be in the same project (you can put them in the same script or different scripts but in the same "script editor").
function countFiles(folderID) {
const theFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID);
const files = theFolder.getFiles();
let count = 0;
while (files.hasNext()) {
let file =;
return count;
function checkProperty(folderID, newC){
const scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
const oldCounter = scriptProperties.getProperty(folderID);
const newCounter = newC.toString();
return false;
scriptProperties.setProperty(folderID, newCounter);
return true;
scriptProperties.setProperty(folderID, newCounter);
return true;
Drive REST API supports push notifications
which allow you to track events such as when a new file is added to a Google Drive folder. Unfortunately, this feature is not accessible from Apps Script for numerous reasons. But its possible to create a intermediary service in another language/platform and have Apps script call out to it. Not trivial to implement but viable. – Congo