I am building a desktop app that monitors some things and generates data about what it is monitoring. When the user wants to interact with the data the app starts a very simple web server. The server serves static pages and has a basic http API to serve the data. I use html as a universal UI, the user uses their browser to view and interact with the data.
I would like to rewrite my html/css/js into a component based web app using Google's Lit 2. I like the idea of plain web components but I noticed that Lit offers some great additional features. Not surprisingly, most of the Lit docs are geared toward a more traditional web environment with a build step. I want to see if I can keep my server as simple as possible and avoid traditional backend tools (typescript compilation, minification, etc). I would like to replace my current static html/css/js with Lit components in a series of simple js files.
Currently, my server serves my pages from a 'public' directory and has a minimal http API:
- public/
-- js/
-- css/
-- index.html
How should I use Lit in a system without a build step? What is the minimum set of Lit files I would need to serve along with my own javascript classes that inherit from LitElement?