I am fairly new to Radix UI (with Shadcn/ui) and styling components for that matter. Couldn't figure out a solution for adapting a JSX component to Radix UI:
I am using Radix UI Radio Groups & want to style my component which would look like this upon selection, basically it's this component from Hyper UI called grid with stacked content and checked:
Some notes
- I am using NextJS 13, typescript and well, React :D
- With small adjustment to my code below I can make that radio icon would appear upon select, but not borders wont get active.
- The idea is to have the block border to have these borders (not selected ones will have a thin border.
- Currently in the code I added
I know it's wrong as it only handles the button, so the text appears only on select.
I was thinking that I should play with labels somehow, but as the selection is the whole block + icon it seems that I cant put the title and subtitle correctly inside.
I currently am trying to play around and what I came around to is:
const RadioGroupItemModern = React.forwardRef<
React.ElementRef<typeof RadioGroupPrimitive.Item>,
React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof RadioGroupPrimitive.Item>
>(({ className, children, ...props }, ref) => {
return (
`block w-full bg-white p-3 hover:border-gray-200 focus:outline-none checked:ring-primary `,
// "aspect-square h-4 w-4 rounded-full border border-primary text-primary ring-offset-background focus:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2 disabled:cursor-not-allowed disabled:opacity-50",
<RadioGroupPrimitive.Indicator className="p-4 cursor-pointer rounded-lg border ring-2 ring-primary flex justify-between items-center hover:border-gray-200 focus:ring-2" >
<Icons.checkCircle3 className="h-6 w-6 text-current" />
RadioGroupItemModern.displayName = RadioGroupPrimitive.Item.displayName
And my front-end call would look like this:
<RadioGroupItemModern key={choice.value} value={choice.value} id={choice.value} defaultValue={field.value || ''} >
So now it only shows me the required result when I press the selection (which in this case is invisible).
I tried playing around with the Radix Primitives, adding children in different ways but as I can't figure out the logic on how this would work correctly can't figure out a way as Radix has group radio and labels next to them as different components.