Actually, my last answer does not work because once the NERDTree have been opened, it does not open again in the new buffer dir. It must work similarly to NERDTreeFind but it does not have a Toggle feature.
I made a function and mapped it to my key and now it works perfectly even opening the Ruby project if you have the vim-rails plugin.
Add this to your vimrc:
function! NTFinderP()
"" Check if NERDTree is open
if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName")
let s:ntree = bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName)
let s:ntree = -1
if (s:ntree != -1)
"" If NERDTree is open, close it.
"" Try to open a :Rtree for the rails project
if exists(":Rtree")
"" Open Rtree (using rails plugin, it opens in project dir)
"" Open NERDTree in the file path
"" Toggles NERDTree
map <silent> <F1> :call NTFinderP()<CR>
It should work now.
Previous answer below:
You could map the key you use to open
NERDTree like this(in .vimrc):
map <silent> <F1> :NERDTreeToggle %:p:h<CR>
This maps my F1 key to
toggle(open/close) NERDTree using the
path of the currently active buffer.
If no buffer is open, it opens in the
currently launched Macvim directory.