Additional feature exist with new OOB model is ability to install application not from the web page (like it was from version 3), but from command line (having XAP file available). Silverlight 4 OOB launcher has new command line parameters to install, uninstall and execute application in “emulation mode” – without installing it.
For example. to install application on the desktop use the following command:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe" /overwrite /install:"X:\PACKAGE_LOCATION\SL4Features.Web\ClientBin\APPLICATION.xap"
/origin:http://ORIGINAL_LOCATION/ORIGINAL_HOSTING_PAGE /shortcut:desktop
To uninstall it use the following command:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe" /overwrite /uninstall:"X:\PACKAGE_LOCATION\APPLICATION.xap"
/origin:http://ORIGINAL_LOCATION/ORIGINAL_HOSTING_PAGE /shortcut:desktop
To run application without installing it (in emulation mode), use the following command:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe" /overwrite /emulate:"X:\PACKAGE_LOCATION\APPLICATION.xap" /origin:http://ORIGINAL_LOCATION/