Before someone shoots me down, I am aware of the Java to binary compilers and I'm not after one of those.
I also know there will be no perfect tool that converts everything without any problems. I am aware that missing Java libraries are a major problem; however my source doesn't make use of many Java libraries except for stuff like String and prints. I only want to the tool to create the classes that the Java source references. In the case of the String stuff I am happy to fill in the gaps or fix at a later stage. I just want the tool to do the boring bits so I don't have to do the translation manually.
In the case of required classes etc, I will manually fix those at a later stage but would appreciate a pointer to something that at the very least gets enough of the boring stuff done.
Once again I want the source translated and not a compiler to produce a binary. Basically I want to take some Java stuff and convert it to C++ for later use in other projects.
Sorry if I was not clear in my previous parts of this question. I know that Java is very much different from C++. I have some Java code which is mostly filled with processing arrays and bits and has almost no object creation. In a sense it is very self-contained and has few calls to other classes. These classes seem to be prime candidates for conversion; the other stuff will have to be rewritten but at the least some parts are leveraged.