I'm IP restricting a pure client-side CORs demo application which interacts with an authenticated third-party API. I've got a "middleware" server running which I use to proxy requests from the CORs app to the third-party API, but I am having trouble injecting Basic Authentication credentials into those proxied requests.
isAllowed = (req, res, next) -> # Do IP check here.
base64Encode = (unencoded) -> new Buffer(unencoded or '').toString 'base64'
app.all "/demoproxy/*", isAllowed, (req, res) ->
req.url = "/" + req.url.split("/").slice(2).join("/")
userPass = base64Encode "#{process.env.DEMO_USERNAME}:#{process.env.DEMO_PASSWORD}"
# This doesn't work.
# res.setHeader 'Authorization', "Basic #{userPass}"
# This doesn't work either.
###res.oldWriteHead = res.writeHead
res.writeHead = (statusCode, headers) ->
headers = { }
headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{userPass}"
res.oldWriteHead statusCode, headers###
proxy = new httpProxy.HttpProxy
host: 'remote-api.com'
port: 80
proxy.proxyRequest req, res
What is the proper way to do this?