Yes, there is ActiveSupport::Cache::Store
An abstract cache store class. There are multiple cache store
implementations, each having its own additional features. See the
classes under the ActiveSupport::Cache module, e.g.
ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore. MemCacheStore is currently the
most popular cache store for large production websites.
Some implementations may not support all methods beyond the basic
cache methods of fetch, write, read, exist?, and delete.
ActiveSupport::Cache::Store can store any serializable Ruby object.
cache ='Chicago') # => nil
cache.write('Chicago', 2707000)'Chicago') # => 2707000
Regarding the expiration time, this can be done by passing the time as a initialization parameter
cache = 5.minutes)
If you want to cache a value with a different expiration time, you can also set this when writing a value to the cache
cache.write(key, value, expires_in: 1.minute) # Set a lower value for one entry