For reference, I'm on CQ5.5
I am curious if there is any way to extend upon an inherited dialog, without overwriting it's parent dialog.
For example, have a structure as follows:
- dialog
- title
- description
- dialog
- custom field
--------------- [inherited from parent]
- title
- description
What I'm trying to avoid is for example: I need to add a new property to base-page that should show up on all page templates that extend from base-page. My current solution is to add that property to all dialogs separately. So for example, in the above structure I would have to add the new "default property" to both the base-page and the inherited-from-base-page dialogs.
The only other option I could think of was creating a panel node that represents "base page" and then including that panel w/ an xtype:cqinclude node.
Before going with the latter route I'm curious if anyone has extended their dialogs in the fashion I'm describing above.
Any help is greatly appreciated, Thank you, Brodie