I have an account object which references a user object.
public final class Account {
@Id Long id;
@Index private Ref<User> user;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
public User getUser() {
return user.get();
public void setUser(User user) {
this.user = Ref.create(user);
I have hidden the Ref as recommended here: http://code.google.com/p/objectify-appengine/wiki/Entities - please note the Ref does not have the @Load annotation.
When I call my Google Cloud Endpoint from an Android client, it looks like Objectify delivers the account object with the embedded user, even though @Load is not specified.
@ApiMethod(name = "account.get")
public Account getAccount(
@Named("id") final Long id
) {
return ofy().load().type(Account.class).id(id).now();
When I query the account directly using Apis Explorer, I also get both, account with the user embedded:
200 OK
"id": "5079604133888000",
"user": { "id": "5723348596162560",
"version": "1402003195251",
"firstName": "Karl" },
"kind": "api#accountItem",
"etag": "\"30khohwUBSGWr00rYOZuF9f4BTE/Q31EvnQCQ6E9c5YXKEZHNsD_mlQ\""}
This raises three questions:
- Does Appengine always return embedded Refs natively and does Objectify always pass on objects which it already knows?
- What exactly is @Load for and is there a way to control this behavior? Load Groups?
- Have I missed something? Why isn't @Load obeyed?