I don't quite understand why this works:
module Records where
type Element e = { element :: String, label :: String | e }
type Sel = ( value :: Number, values :: [Number] )
type Select = Element Sel
while this says Cannot unify # * with *
module Records where
type Element e = { element :: String, label :: String | e }
type Sel = { value :: Number, values :: [Number] }
type Select = Element Sel
(Note the '()' around the right hand side of Sel instead of the '{}'.)
I've read here https://leanpub.com/purescript/read#leanpub-auto-objects-and-rows that forall r. { firstName :: String, lastName :: String | r }
desugars to
forall r. Object (firstName :: String, lastName :: String | r)
I'm still a bit confused, why you can't use the record-sugar for extending records.
{ value :: Number, values :: [Number] }
desugars into. And an example how you would extend a record would be really helpful. Thanks again – Pact