I have mail send function in laravel
public static function Compose($to,$cc,$bcc,$subject,$body)
// return $to;
$data = [
'body' => $body
if(env('APP_ENV') == "local")
$email["subject"] = $subject;
$email["to"] = $to;
$email["cc"] = $cc;
$email["bcc"] = $bcc;
Mail::send('email.composeMail', $data, function ($message) use ($email) {
$email["subject"] = $subject;
$email["to"] = $to;
$email["cc"] = $cc;
$email["bcc"] = $bcc;
Mail::send('email.composeMail', $data, function ($message) use ($email) {
catch (\Exception $e)
Log::critical('Critical error occurred upon processing the transaction in Email.php -> Email class -> RevertPropertyToInbox method');
throw new CustomErrorHandler($e->getMessage(),Constant::LogLevelCritical);
In many cases CC and BCC is Null. But mails aren't sent and I am getting error message
Here , I want to use code as it is without checking if CC or BCC is null, Is there any thing missed by me so that I can achieve what I am planning to .