Having recently discovered an active fork of weblocks, I would like to combine it with the ORM library mito.
Weblocks defines a macro defwidget
, which in practice wraps defclass
like so:
(defclass my-class ()
(:metaclass weblocks/widgets/mop:widgets-class))
Meanwhile Mito works like so:
(defclass my-class ()
(:metaclass mito:dao-table-class))
How can I make it so that the following works?
(defclass my-class ()
(defvar *obj* (make-instance 'my-class))
(render *obj*) ;render from weblocks
(save-dao *obj*) ;save-dao from mito
(my-method *obj*)
I've tried inheritance, but failed in some different ways. I've only used CLOS a short time. Thus I have trouble gauging where on the spectrum
"I'm stupid <=====> This is impossible"
I am standing. Any help would be appreciated.