I'm trying to generate a JWT token for Apple Connect but It's look like something is missing in the "Verify signature" field.
- From the API Apple Store Connect dashboard, I'm only able to download the "private key" name AuthKey_{kid}.p8.
- From https://jwt.io/, I select the "ALGORITHM" as "ES256" then two field appears in the "SIGNATURE" section:
a) Public key or certificate
b) Private key or certificate (AuthKey_{kid}.p8)
Issue :
- I do have the "Invalid Signature" message displaying ...
- I don't have any idea where to find the "Public key or cerficate"
I'm following these docs :
- https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/generating_tokens_for_api_requests
- https://medium.com/xcblog/generating-jwt-tokens-for-app-store-connect-api-2b2693812a35
Do you have any idea how to fix find the "Public key"?