Recently I have discovered that the SortableJS / Vue.Draggable library ( has a new option where multi-drag can be enabled to select multiple elements from an array and move them together (
I have seen samples where it works perfectly, for example:
But when I have tried to use it in my project I just can find the way to make it work.
Here are the details of my project:
- Vue: 2.6.10
- Vuedraggable: 2.23.2
In my vue component I have imported vuedraggable this way:
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
and I have applied this way (code has been reduced for this post purpose):
<v-flex class="pa-3">
<div class="instructions-wrapper py-4">
<v-avatar size="40" color="#4C2159" class="white--text"><b>4</b></v-avatar>
<div class="px-2">
<h2>Revisa y asigna</h2>
<p>Revisa la optimización del sistema y asigna o personaliza una ruta</p>
<template v-for="(vehicle, key) in sortedRoutes.routes">
<v-card class="my-4" :key="vehicle.stops.location_id">
<v-toolbar color="primary" dark>
<v-toolbar-title>{{ Object.keys(sortedRoutes.routes).find(key => sortedRoutes.routes[key] === vehicle) }}</v-toolbar-title>
<div v-for="(delivery, index) in vehicle.stops" :key="" class="draggable-element">
<v-list v-if="delivery.location_name !== 'CEDIS'" :key="delivery.title">
<img :src="`${index}`">
<div>{{delivery.location_name}} {{deliveries.find(key => key.location.company_name === delivery.location_name).start_time_window ? `(${deliveries.find(key => key.location.company_name === delivery.location_name).start_time_window} - ${deliveries.find(key => key.location.company_name === delivery.location_name).end_time_window})` : ''}}
I have paid attention to add the select-class
attribute that is required for use the multi-drag option by SortableJS / Vue.Draggable documentation.
The object that is being printed as the draggable list is under this JSON structure:
"routes": {
"vehicle_1": {
"stops": [
"stop_id": 0,
"order_id": 1,
"location_id": "DEPOT",
"location_name": "Centro de distribución",
"lat": -100,
"lng": 100,
"arrival_time": "08:00",
"departure_time": "16:00"
"stop_id": 1,
"order_id": 2,
"location_id": "order_2",
"location_name": "Foo Zaas",
"lat": -100,
"lng": 100,
"arrival_time": "10:00",
"departure_time": "10:15"
"cost_matrix": [
"distance_in_meters": 10,
"travel_time_in_minutes": 10
"distance_in_meters": 100,
"travel_time_in_minutes": 100
"distance_in_meters": 10,
"travel_time_in_minutes": 10
"distance_in_meters": 100,
"travel_time_in_minutes": 100
"summary": {
"depot_name": "DEPOT",
"demand_assigned": 234,
"distance_in_meters": 3004,
"travel_time_in_minutes": 157,
"waiting_time_in_minutes": 70.1
Despite all this efforts I can't make it work. I even got to replicate a slimmer version of the code basing me on one of codepens I found before and it works (
Why it isn't working on my project?
Any help would be appreciated, thank you very much!