I use monaco and I found this open source repo which conatins almost all the regualrly used VSC themes like katzenmitch and cloud , which you could use as a npm
package. When I went through the code I found that he used JSON format like for cobalt theme it was this code:
"base": "vs-dark",
"inherit": true,
"rules": [
"background": "002240",
"token": ""
"foreground": "e1efff",
"token": "punctuation - (punctuation.definition.string || punctuation.definition.comment)"
"foreground": "ff628c",
"token": "constant"
"foreground": "ffdd00",
"token": "entity"
"foreground": "ff9d00",
"token": "keyword"
"foreground": "ffee80",
"token": "storage"
"foreground": "3ad900",
"token": "string -string.unquoted.old-plist -string.unquoted.heredoc"
"foreground": "3ad900",
"token": "string.unquoted.heredoc string"
"foreground": "0088ff",
"fontStyle": "italic",
"token": "comment"
"foreground": "80ffbb",
"token": "support"
"foreground": "cccccc",
"token": "variable"
"foreground": "ff80e1",
"token": "variable.language"
"foreground": "ffee80",
"token": "meta.function-call"
"foreground": "f8f8f8",
"background": "800f00",
"token": "invalid"
"foreground": "ffffff",
"background": "223545",
"token": "text source"
"foreground": "ffffff",
"background": "223545",
"token": "string.unquoted.heredoc"
"foreground": "ffffff",
"background": "223545",
"token": "source source"
"foreground": "80fcff",
"fontStyle": "italic",
"token": "entity.other.inherited-class"
"foreground": "9eff80",
"token": "string.quoted source"
"foreground": "80ff82",
"token": "string constant"
"foreground": "80ffc2",
"token": "string.regexp"
"foreground": "edef7d",
"token": "string variable"
"foreground": "ffb054",
"token": "support.function"
"foreground": "eb939a",
"token": "support.constant"
"foreground": "ff1e00",
"token": "support.type.exception"
"foreground": "8996a8",
"token": "meta.preprocessor.c"
"foreground": "afc4db",
"token": "meta.preprocessor.c keyword"
"foreground": "73817d",
"token": "meta.sgml.html meta.doctype"
"foreground": "73817d",
"token": "meta.sgml.html meta.doctype entity"
"foreground": "73817d",
"token": "meta.sgml.html meta.doctype string"
"foreground": "73817d",
"token": "meta.xml-processing"
"foreground": "73817d",
"token": "meta.xml-processing entity"
"foreground": "73817d",
"token": "meta.xml-processing string"
"foreground": "9effff",
"token": "meta.tag"
"foreground": "9effff",
"token": "meta.tag entity"
"foreground": "9effff",
"token": "meta.selector.css entity.name.tag"
"foreground": "ffb454",
"token": "meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.id"
"foreground": "5fe461",
"token": "meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.class"
"foreground": "9df39f",
"token": "support.type.property-name.css"
"foreground": "f6f080",
"token": "meta.property-group support.constant.property-value.css"
"foreground": "f6f080",
"token": "meta.property-value support.constant.property-value.css"
"foreground": "f6aa11",
"token": "meta.preprocessor.at-rule keyword.control.at-rule"
"foreground": "edf080",
"token": "meta.property-value support.constant.named-color.css"
"foreground": "edf080",
"token": "meta.property-value constant"
"foreground": "eb939a",
"token": "meta.constructor.argument.css"
"foreground": "f8f8f8",
"background": "000e1a",
"token": "meta.diff"
"foreground": "f8f8f8",
"background": "000e1a",
"token": "meta.diff.header"
"foreground": "f8f8f8",
"background": "4c0900",
"token": "markup.deleted"
"foreground": "f8f8f8",
"background": "806f00",
"token": "markup.changed"
"foreground": "f8f8f8",
"background": "154f00",
"token": "markup.inserted"
"background": "8fddf630",
"token": "markup.raw"
"background": "004480",
"token": "markup.quote"
"background": "130d26",
"token": "markup.list"
"foreground": "c1afff",
"fontStyle": "bold",
"token": "markup.bold"
"foreground": "b8ffd9",
"fontStyle": "italic",
"token": "markup.italic"
"foreground": "c8e4fd",
"background": "001221",
"fontStyle": "bold",
"token": "markup.heading"
"colors": {
"editor.foreground": "#FFFFFF",
"editor.background": "#002240",
"editor.selectionBackground": "#B36539BF",
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#00000059",
"editorCursor.foreground": "#FFFFFF",
"editorWhitespace.foreground": "#FFFFFF26"
I suggest you could go through it . and make your own theme instead of using default VSC themes but if you still want to use vsc themes there are many repos like this one. Or you could use tools like https://bitwiser.in/monaco-themes/ to generate theme for monaco from tmTheme files that picks colors from theme files
and generates a json to be used directly with monaco.editor.defineTheme
I hope this helped.