I met this weird problem, and I tried a whole afternoon to solve this, with all the methods I found from google, but till now, nothing seems to be worked.
My ubuntu server's (10.04 LTS) timezone is Europe/Helsinki, it's correct (when I run "date" command, the result shows the right time). But my postfix seems still using UTC timezone, because all the time in /var/log/mail.log is 3 hours earlier than my current time.
I've also copied the /etc/localtime to /var/spool/postfix/etc/localtime, but nothing helps. (cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Helsinki /var/spool/postfix/etc/localtim also not work).
I also tried to run dpkg-reconfigure tzdata, also not work, system time always correct, but only mail.log got wrong.
Could anyone give me some suggestion ?
*I have restarted postfix everytime I tried to make some change.