I have two third-party modules, both defining a factory with the same name. Obviously, I don't have any control over the naming of those modules without resorting to a kludge.
Additionally, I have two further, internal modules, each using a different one of the two third-party modules as a dependency (as below). I was sure that I was unable to access components from a module not listed in current module's dependencies, but it turned out I was wrong.
Here even if own1
depends on thirdParty1
(which has hello
defined as hello world
) it's getting hi there
(from thirdParty2
) in controller. The same is for the other modules' pair.
Is there any way to "isolate" modules so I can only use stuff that I explicitly depend on? If not, what's the point of having modules if I can reach anything at any time (assuming main app module has it as its dependency)? Also if I have two modules with components named hello
how can I tell which is gonna be used?
Here is jsbin for that http://jsbin.com/vapuye/3/edit?html,js,output
angular.module('app', ['own1', 'own2']);
//third-party modules
angular.module('thirdParty1', []).factory('hello', function () {
return 'hello world';
angular.module('thirdParty2', []).factory('hello', function () {
return 'hi there';
// "own" modules
angular.module('own1', ['thirdParty1']).controller('Own1Ctrl', function(hello) {
this.greet = hello;
angular.module('own2', ['thirdParty2']).controller('Own2Ctrl', function(hello) {
this.greet = hello;
And the result of:
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="Own1Ctrl as own1">
Own1: {{ own1.greet }}
<div ng-controller="Own2Ctrl as own2">
Own2: {{ own2.greet }}
Is :
Own1: hi there
Own2: hi there
, AngularUI-Bootstrap hasui.bootstrap.modal
). By just including the pieces you need, you can make sure you're getting the right one from each. – Unmannerlyangular.module('app', ['ui-bootstrap', 'mcrea.ngStrap.modal']);
– Unmannerly