I want to find or make a bookmarklet that will validate the html content of a currently viewed page using the W3C HTML 5 validator.
I have found two bookmarklets and am trying to get one to behave a bit like one and a bit like the other, however I am not sure how to do this.
Chris Coyier has an HTML5 validation bookmarklet that works well except it uses the page URI so does not work for locally tested sites:
I also found this one, which works by grabbing the html of the current page, but I can't figure out how to make it do html5... there is reference to doctype in the code and I have tried changing this to html5, html500 etc, and removing it entirely hoping it would autodetect.. but to no avail:
javascript:(function(){var h=document;var b=h.doctype;var e="<!DOCTYPE "+b.name.toLowerCase()+' PUBLIC "'+b.publicId+'" "'+b.systemId+'">\n';var g=h.documentElement.outerHTML;var f="http://validator.w3.org/check";var i={prefill_doctype:"html401",prefill:0,doctype:"inline",group:0,ss:1,st:1,outline:1,verbose:1,fragment:e+g};var a=h.createElement("form");a.setAttribute("method","post");a.setAttribute("target","_blank");a.setAttribute("action",f);for(var j in i){var c=h.createElement("input");c.setAttribute("type","hidden");c.setAttribute("name",j);c.setAttribute("value",i[j]);a.appendChild(c)}if(navigator.appCodeName=="Mozilla"){h.body.appendChild(a)}a.submit()})();