I have a python client that needs to talk to a remote server I manage. They communicate using zeromq. When I tested the client/server locally everything worked. But now I have the client and server deployed on the cloud, each using a different provider. My question is, what's the simplest way (that is safe) to make the connection? I'm assuming I can't pass the password over, and even if I could I'm guessing there are safer alternatives.
I know how to set an ssh connection without a password using ssh-keygen. Would that work? Would the client need to make an ssh connection with the server before sending the tcp req? If there's a python library that helps with this it'd be a big help.
Update: So more than 24 hours passed and no one replied/answered. I think I'm getting closer to solve this, but not quite there yet. I added my client's key to .ssh/authorized_key on the server, and now I can ssh from the client to the server without a password. Next, I followed this post about "Tunneling PyZMQ Connections with SSH". Here's what I have in my client code:
1 context = zmq.Context()
2 socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
3 socket.connect("tcp://localhost:5555")
4 ssh.tunnel_connection(socket, "tcp://locahost:5555", "myuser@remote-server-ip:5555")
5 socket.send_string(some_string)
6 reply = socket.recv()
This doesn't work. I don't really understand lines 3 & 4 and I assume I do something wrong there. Also, my server (hosted on linode) has a "Default Gateway" IP and a "Public IP" -- in the tunnel connection I only specify the public ip, which is also the ip I use to ssh to the machine.