I use a Timer to solve this problem. Enable the timer via the ItemCheck event. Take action in the Timer's Tick event.
This works whether the item is checked via a mouse click or by pressing the Space-Bar. We'll take advantage of the fact that the item just checked (or un-checked) is always the Selected Item.
The Timer's Interval can be as low as 1. By the time the Tick event is raised, the new Checked status will be set.
This VB.NET code shows the concept. There are many variations you can employ. You may want to increase the Timer's Interval to allow the user to change the check status on several items before taking action. Then in the Tick event, make a sequential pass of all the
Items in the List or use its CheckedItems collection to take appropriate action.
That's why we first disable the Timer in the ItemCheck event. Disable then Enable causes the Interval period to re-start.
Private Sub ckl_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) _
Handles ckl.ItemCheck
tmr.Enabled = False
tmr.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub tmr_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles tmr.Tick
tmr.Enabled = False
Debug.Write(": ")
End Sub