When you run your Runner class then it will scan all the feature file mentioned within features options and load the them afterward all step definition within package started by text mentioned within glue options will get loaded.
For e.g.
plugin = { "pretty","json:target/cucumberreports.json" },
glue = "stepDefinition",
features = "src/test/resources/TestCases/",
public class RunTest {
Here all the feature file present within
will get loaded
then all the stepdef within or it's subdirectory will get loaded
and whenever your step from feature get run then cucumber will look for function corresponding to step's regex and function will run.
for e.g.
whenever step When User enters email id in src/test/resources/TestCases/Login.feature will run then cucumber will find its corresponding function in all stepdef classes
Feature: To smoke test functionalities of app
@Browser @ValidLogin
Scenario: Verify scenario in case of successful login
When User enters email id
And User enters password
Then User clicks on sign in button and able to sign in
And moment it will reach class in subdirectory of stepDefinition i.e. in
stepDefinition.ui.home.LoginPageStepDef.java cucumber will find function with @When("^User enters email id$") and will execute this function.
public class LoginPageStepDef {
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(AttachHooks.driver);
private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LoginPageStepDef.class);
@When("^User enters email id$")
public void user_enters_email_id() throws Throwable {
//LoginPage.obj = loginPage;