I'm using the homebrew package manager on Mac OSX, and I've installed the heroku-toolbelt package, which is supposed to include git, heroku CLI, and foreman. It only seems to include the first two:
$ brew info heroku-toolbelt
heroku-toolbelt: stable 3.20.0
/usr/local/Cellar/heroku-toolbelt/3.20.0 (438 files, 3.5M) *
Built from source
From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/heroku-toolbelt.rb
$ which heroku
$ which foreman
$ heroku --version
heroku-toolbelt/3.21.4 (x86_64-darwin13.0) ruby/2.1.2
$ foreman
bash: foreman: command not found
Any ideas why it's not appearing? Many thanks in advance.