I have to query a nested object using Nest, however the query is built in dynamic way. Below is code that demonstrate using query on nested "books" in a static way
QueryContainer qry;
qry = new QueryStringQuery()
DefaultField = "name",
DefaultOperator = Operator.And,
Query = "salman"
QueryContainer qry1 = null;
qry1 = new RangeQuery() // used to search for range ( from , to)
Field = "modified",
GreaterThanOrEqualTo = Convert.ToDateTime("21/12/2015").ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
QueryContainer all = qry && qry1;
var results = elastic.Search<Document>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Bool(qb => qb
.Filter(f =>
f.Nested(n => n
.Filter(f3 => f3.And(
f1 => f1.Term("book.isbn", "122"),
f2 => f2.Term("book.author", "X"))
The problem is that i need to combine multiple queries (using And,OR operators) for "books" in dynamic fashion. For example, get the books that satisfy these set of conditions:
- Condition 1: Books that has Author "X" and isbn "1"
- Condition 2: Books that has Author "X" and isbn "2"
- Condition 3: Books that has Author "Z" and isbn "3"
- Other Condtions: .....
Now, the filter in the nested Query should retrieve books if:
Condition 1 AND Condition 2 Or Condition 3
Suppose that i have class name FilterOptions that contains the following attributes:
- FieldName
- Value
- Operator (which will combine the next filter)
I am going to loop on the given FilterOptions array to build the query.
What should i use to build the nested query? Is it a FilterDesciptor and how to combine them add the nested query to the Search Method?
Please, recommend any valuable link or example?