I am able to interact with my sample Java program in Python, by opening my Java program and then using the following Python code:
from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway
gg = JavaGateway()
sw = gg.entry_point.getInstance()
However this has the disadvantage that I have to somehow open the Java program before using this code.
I found that there is a method called launch_gateway which seems very convenient soo to this aim.
However, I am unable to connect to my Java program if launched in this way.
I tried to use the following code:
port = py4j.java_gateway.launch_gateway(jarpath="path_to_my_jar.jar")
gp = GatewayParameters(port=port)
gg = JavaGateway(gateway_parameters=gp)
sw = gg.entry_point.getInstance()
But I get the following error:
An error occurred while calling t.getInstance. Trace:
py4j.Py4JException: Target Object ID does not exist for this gateway :t
I guess I am doing something wrong in the way I try to connect to the gateway.
Any suggestion?