Using jmap on Ubuntu Mate 18.04-64bits with Oracle JDK 10.0.1-64bits, the tool works only when running both the target and the tool as root, but using the same normal user for running both gives the following error:
Exception in thread "main" Unable to open socket file /proc/13538/cwd/.attach_pid13538: target process 13538 doesn't respond within 10500ms or HotSpot VM not loaded
at jdk.attach/<init>(
at jdk.attach/
at jdk.attach/
at jdk.jcmd/
at jdk.jcmd/
When using root user to run the following command
jmap -clstats <pid>
everything works fine but I found some difficulties to understand the meaning of the output columns: Is there any official documentation that explains the meaning of each column ?
-clstats Prints class loader wise statistics of Java heap. For each class loader, its name, how active it is, address, parent class loader, and the number and size of classes it has loaded are printed.
– Yettie