I am using boto3 to make calls to recognition's detect label method which takes an image (in form of base64-encoded bytes) as an input. However I keep getting InvalidImageFormatException and I don't see why. I have read the documentation and looked at some examples but I really can't figure out why I am receiving this error.
Below is my code and what I've tried so far
self.rekog_client = boto3.client('rekognition', 'us-east-1')
with open('abc100.jpg', "rb") as cf:
#also tried this) ==> base64_image=base64.b64encode(cf.read())
resp = self.rekog_client.detect_labels(Image={'Bytes': base64_image})
botocore.errorfactory.InvalidImageFormatException: An error occurred(InvalidImageFormatException) when calling the DetectLabels operation: Invalid image encoding
InvalidImageFormatException: An error occurred (InvalidImageFormatException) when calling the DetectText operation: Request has invalid image format
. Maybe this has changed since you wrote this answer. – Lotion