Back in .net core 2, I had created a hosted service with a custom property like:
public class MyService : BackgroundService
public bool IsRunning {get;set;}
That I could setup in startup.cs like:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
And then I could reference it elsewhere in a razor page like:
public class IndexModel : PageModel
private readonly IHostedService _mySrv;
public IndexModel(IHostedService mySrv) => _mySrv = mySrv;
public bool IsRunning { get; set; }
public void OnGet() => IsRunning = ((HostedServices.MyService)_mySrv).IsRunning;
Now that I've upgraded to .net core 3, my startup has changed to:
But my DI reference in IndexModel doesn't get me my MyService anymore, it gives me an object of type GenericWebHostService instead, that I can't figure out how to get my custom MyService from. Changing 'IHostedService' to 'MyService' in IndexModel doesn't work either, i get a 'Unable to resolve service' error.
How do I get an instance of MyService back from dependency injection?
on the service if you just add it as a singleton. Also this answer seems to contradict your claims. – Saraband