There is a similar question asked here but I do not believe the answer applies to my use case.
I'm using Svelte MaterialUI and attempting to extend the DataTable component with the ability to drag and drop rows. I'm using the svelte-dnd-action module to support the drag and drop behaviors.
The following works just fine. I'm able to drag and drop rows of the table.
<tbody use:dndzone{...opts}>
However, when attempting to plug the module into a Material UI Component, I receive an error stating "actions can only be applied to DOM elements, not components."
<Body use:dndzone={...opts}>
The definition of the Body
component looks like this:
class="mdc-data-table__content {className}"
{...exclude($$props, ['use', 'class'])}
import {setContext} from 'svelte';
import {get_current_component} from 'svelte/internal';
import {forwardEventsBuilder} from '@smui/common/forwardEvents.js';
import {exclude} from '@smui/common/exclude.js';
import {useActions} from '@smui/common/useActions.js';
const forwardEvents = forwardEventsBuilder(get_current_component());
export let use = [];
let className = '';
export {className as class};
setContext('SMUI:data-table:row:header', false);
Is there a way to forward my Action
to this component? Or a better way to handle this use case? Thank you in advance.
<Body use={[[dndzone, {items}]]} on:consider={handleConsider} on:finalize={handleFinalize} >
– Tinctorial