Actually, you don't need to edit ANY core files to do this. Just put these one filter and two tiny functions in your theme's functions.php
file and duplicate comments will no longer be rejected.
add_filter( 'wp_die_handler', 'my_wp_die_handler_function', 9 ); //9 means you can unhook the default before it fires
function my_wp_die_handler_function($function) {
return 'my_skip_dupes_function'; //use our "die" handler instead (where we won't die)
//check to make sure we're only filtering out die requests for the "Duplicate" error we care about
function my_skip_dupes_function( $message, $title, $args ) {
if (strpos( $message, 'Duplicate comment detected' ) === 0 ) { //make sure we only prevent death on the $dupe check
remove_filter( 'wp_die_handler', '_default_wp_die_handler' ); //don't die
return; //nothing will happen