I haved struggled with this for several different apps over the years. How you set this up depends upon your needs. I work in affordable housing, and one of the things we need to do is relate different geographical components (City, county, state, etc) to various REGIONS as defined by HU (Housing and Urban Development in USA).
What I ended up with looks a little like THIS:
StateCode (AL, AK, AR . . . etc)
StateName (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, . . . etc)
HUDRegionID FK to tblHUDRegion
StateID FK to tbleState
CountyName (Pierce County, WA; Lane County, OR)
NOTE: I recognize I could normalize even further and create a table of count names, many-to-many related to States ON stateID, but there's a limit, man!)
In my case, HUD regions are defined at the county level (one HUD region includes one or more counties (or "County-Towns" in some cases). Each HUD region actually has a Unique Identifier defined ny HUD (The HUD CBSA_Sub), which I use as the "HUD-region_code". Also important to note is that HUD regions can include counties in one or more states. Therefore, the HUD region identifier is related to county, but only indirectly to state, THROUGH each county. For example, the HUD "Portland/Vancouver/Beaverton" HUD MSA includes counties (and cities) in both Oregon and Washington states.
In YOUR case, you will need to define one more top-layer, tblCountry. Further, you may need to adapt the concenpt of "county" and "state" a bit to accomodate other countries ("Province" and whatever they use for subdivisions greater than City, but less than state. "Region" may work in this case as well - I believe many european coutnries use "regions").
A country has one or more States (or equivelent). A state has one or more Counties (or equivelent). A County Has one or more Cities. And Cities tend to have at least one postal code.
Regions such as the HUD region, in my case, tend to be defined as aggregations at one of these levels.
In many cases, outside of this HUD-driven model I had to develop (it is often the case one needs to ascertain which HUD MSA one is working by ZIP, or by County. In all cases, it is not safe to assume that HUD regions are contained within a apecific state.
Also important to note is that the USPS periodically change the ZIP codes for certain areas.