I've implemented full-text search using pg_search gem for my Rails application
My migration to create index looks like
CREATE index mytable_fts_idx
ON mytable
USING gin(
(setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce("mytable"."name", '')), 'A') ||
' ' ||
setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce("mytable"."description",'')), 'B')
And my controller code looks like
pg_search_scope :full_text_search,
:against => [
:name, :description],
:using => {
:tsearch => {
:prefix => true,
:dictionary => "english",
:any_word => true
which works totally fine locally on Postgres 9.0.4. However, when I deploy the same to heroku and search for a sample query 'test', it throws up an error
PGError: ERROR: syntax error in tsquery: "' test ':*"
SELECT COUNT(count_column) FROM (SELECT 1 AS count_column FROM "mytable" WHERE (((to_tsvector('english', coalesce("mytable"."name", '')) || to_tsvector('english', coalesce("mytable"."description", ''))) @@ (to_tsquery('english', ''' ' || 'test' || ' ''' || ':*')))) LIMIT 12 OFFSET 0) subquery_for_count ):
Any suggestions on where I'm wrong and what I should be looking at to fix this error? Thanks.
including quotes? – Gerek