I have some sample source code for OpenGL, I wanted to compile a 64bit version (using Delphi XE2) but there's some ASM code which fails to compile, and I know nothing about ASM. Here's the code below, and I put the two error messages on the lines which fail...
// Copy a pixel from source to dest and Swap the RGB color values
procedure CopySwapPixel(const Source, Destination: Pointer);
push ebx //[DCC Error]: E2116 Invalid combination of opcode and operands
mov bl,[eax+0]
mov bh,[eax+1]
mov [edx+2],bl
mov [edx+1],bh
mov bl,[eax+2]
mov bh,[eax+3]
mov [edx+0],bl
mov [edx+3],bh
pop ebx //[DCC Error]: E2116 Invalid combination of opcode and operands
to tell the compiler which set of ASM instructions to use for the given target platform. – Demers