I have just started learning PHP and I want to create a website with a login for my final year university project. I've read that blowfish is the best method for hashing in a number of places like here: openssl_digest vs hash vs hash_hmac? Difference between SALT & HMAC?
Everywhere I read about the crypt method includes a string like $2y$07$usesomesillystringforsalt$
My main question is: how do I randomly generate this? I've read in places that time stamps and mt_rand() are not secure.
Also I've heard AES is the preferred technology recently but from what I can see it seems pretty tricky to implement in PHP! Is blowfish still an acceptable method to secure stored passwords?
where salt is its perfectly safe to use microtime affixed with your domain name sha1'ndsubstr(salt,0,21)
as anymore then 21 chars will be dropped. Perhaps something I made early will interest you php-pdo-secure-login-script-example – Abigael