Following @sgress454 answer I've created some extra logic to help with this problem.
Since I'm using this "nested models" more than once, I created a service with a factory for those beforeValidade()
lifecycle callbacks.
Here how it looks like:
var _ = sails.util;
var WLValidationError = require('../../node_modules/sails/node_modules/waterline/lib/waterline/error/WLValidationError.js');
function validationError(invalidAttributes, status, message) {
// Wrapper to helo with validation Errors
return new WLValidationError({
invalidAttributes: invalidAttributes,
status: status,
message: message
function fulfillJSON(attrValues, innerName, innerAttr) {
// Helper to get default values into the JSON
// Work with recurrency for arrays
if (_.isArray(attrValues)) {
return => {
return fulfillJSON(attrVal, innerName, innerAttr);
innerValue = attrValues[innerName];
// Treat empty values
if (innerValue == null) {
// Check to see if it's required
if (!innerAttr.required) {
// If not required, try to set the defult value
innerValue = innerAttr.defaultsTo;
return attrValues;
function validateJSON(attrValues, innerName, innerAttr, invalidAttr, index) {
// Helper to get error messages if it's not valid
// Work with recurrency for arrays
if (_.isArray(attrValues)) {
invalidAttr = invalidAttr || {};
_.each(attrValues, (attrVal) => {
invalidAttr = validateJSON(attrVal, innerName, innerAttr, invalidAttr, attrValues.indexOf(attrVal));
return invalidAttr;
invalidMessage = "";
innerValue = attrValues[innerName];
// Treat empty values
if (innerValue == null) {
// Check to see if it's required
if (innerAttr.required) {
invalidMessage += '\n`' + innerName + '` is required!'
} else
// Check if it has the right data type
if (innerAttr.type) {
if (typeof innerValue !== innerAttr.type) {
invalidMessage += '\n`' + innerName + '` should be of type `' + innerAttr.type + '`!'
if (invalidMessage != "") {
invalidAttr = invalidAttr || {};
innerInvalid = invalidAttr[innerName];
if (innerInvalid != null && !_.isArray(innerInvalid)) {
// Create an array if this attribute already have errors
innerInvalid = [innerInvalid]
if (_.isArray(innerInvalid)) {
// If it's an array, push new errors
index: index,
field: innerName,
value: innerValue,
message: invalidMessage
} else {
// If it's the first error, just create the object
innerInvalid = {
index: index,
field: innerName,
value: innerValue,
message: invalidMessage
invalidAttr[innerName] = innerInvalid;
return invalidAttr;
module.exports = {
validateJSONFactory: function(jsonAttrs) {
return function(values, cb) {
// Object to store possible errors
var invalidAttributes;
// Go through each attibue trying to find json
_.each(jsonAttrs, (attrSpecs, attrName) => {
// Object to store specific attribute errors
var invalidAttr;
// Get the values to be validated
attrValues = values[attrName]
try {
attrValues = JSON.parse(attrValues);
} catch(e) {
// console.log("Couldn't parse object, ignoring for now!")
invalidAttributes[attrName] = {
message: "Couldn't parse object!"
return false;
// Check if the specs are those of arrays
if (_.isArray(attrSpecs)) {
attrSpecs = attrSpecs[0];
// Treat should be arrays
if (!_.isArray(attrValues)) {
attrValues = [attrValues];
//Go through the specs in order to do some validation
_.each(attrSpecs, (innerAttr, innerName) => {
attrValues = fulfillJSON(attrValues, innerName, innerAttr);
invalidAttr = validateJSON(attrValues, innerName, innerAttr, invalidAttr);
// Overload initial value, give back as string, the same way we got it!
// values[attrName] = JSON.stringify(attrValues)
values[attrName] = attrValues;
// Make errors available outside
if (invalidAttr != null){
invalidAttributes = invalidAttributes || {};
invalidAttributes[attrName] = invalidAttr;
}) // </each>
if (invalidAttributes != null) {
return cb(validationError(invalidAttributes));
return cb();
} // </return function>
} // </fulfillJSONFactory>
} // </module.exports>
And, in the model, I have this:
const jsonAttrs = {
profile: {
// Here you can add some specifications for your nested attributes
// If you wish, you can have a list of profiles by wrapping this inner object in an array
firstName: {
type: 'string', // `type` will be used in a `typeOf` comparison
required: true // `required` will check if the value is present
// defaultsTo: 'John' - is also an option and will bring this value if none is given
// more options can be added here, you just need to implement some logic on the service
lastName: {
type: 'string',
required: true
module.exports = {
attributes: ModelService.complete({
profile: {
// Note that you don't need anything in here
beforeValidate: ModelService.validateJSONFactory(jsonAttrs)
I know it's not perfect yet, maybe I should make this a hook but I'm still confused on the best way to do that.