While scraping a page using selenium webdriver, there is a "pop up" that appears .
On Opening the page, http://www.fanatics.com/search/red%20shoes - I see a popup window with xpath '//*[@id="mm_DesktopInterstitialImage"]' - but I don't want to be using the xpath to close this alert, and have something genric that can dismiss/close the alert. Here's what I tried so far -:
from selenium import webdriver
import os
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
chromedriver = "/usr/local/CHROMEDRIVER"
os.environ["webdriver.chrome.driver"] = chromedriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver,desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities)
alert = driver.switch_to_alert()
print handle
From what I understand from related examples, folks usually switch window handles, but my handle has a single element.i.e, driver.switch_to_window(driver.window_handles[1])
then driver.close()
and finally shift again, using driver.switch_to_window(driver.window_handles[1])
I also used implicit wait, since I was not sure, if the alert window was being read at-all - but that did not work either. I do not wnat to hard-code for the xpath,if that is possible.
What am I doing wrong ?
Related, but does't work for me : Selenium python how to close a pop up window?