You cannot do that. What you can do instead are manipulators that would take the string as argument, i.e.
std::cout << toggle(str);
std::cin >> toggle(str);
A manipulator is only ever so-called syntactic sugar, i.e. it can do things more conveniently than otherwise. For example,
std::cout << std::setw(5) << x <<;
will do the same as
std::cout << x;
but is more convenient as it allows to be chained together with other <<
Now, there is no formatting support of the thing you want (swap lower and upper case characters), and hence also no way to provide syntactic sugar for that.
However, if the manipulator can take your string as an argument, then of course, you can achieve what you want, implemented in the standard way of manipulator implementation. For example,
struct toggle_output
{ std::string const&str; }
inline toggle_output toggle(std::string const&str)
{ return {str}; }
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&out, toggle_output const&t)
for(auto c:t.str)
if (std::islower(c)) out<<std::toupper(c);
else if(std::isupper(c)) out<<std::tolower(c);
else out<<c;
return out;
struct toggle_input
{ std::string &str; }
inline toggle_input toggle(std::string&str)
{ return {str}; }
inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&in, toggle_input &t)
in >> t.str;
if (std::islower(c)) c=std::toupper(c);
else if(std::isupper(c)) c=std::tolower(c);
return in;
You may also need (to avoid confusion)
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&out, toggle_input const&t)
{ return out<<toggle_output(t.str); }