Additional tip: I am using Google API to read Google Drive files, but also using AWS. I stored the service account credentials in AWS Secrets Manager, so that I did not need a file. I copy-pasted each key-value pair from the downloaded JSON file into AWS Secrets Manager. But I kept getting the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 301, in <module>
File "./", line 96, in main
keyfile_dict=keyDict, scopes=scopes,
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oauth2client/", line 253, in from_json_keyfile_dict
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oauth2client/", line 185, in _from_parsed_json_keyfile
signer = crypt.Signer.from_string(private_key_pkcs8_pem)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/oauth2client/", line 182, in from_string
raise ValueError('No key could be detected.')
ValueError: No key could be detected.
I had to convert the string representation of newline back into newline:
# Last part of using AWS Secrets Manager, returns json string.
sa_creds = get_secret_value_response['SecretString']
# Convert JSON string to dict.
sa_creds = json.loads(sa_creds)
# In the private key, 1-char newline got replaced with 2-char '\n'
sa_creds['private_key'] = sa_creds['private_key'].replace('\\n', '\n')
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_dict(
method to see what it uses the parameter for/what it does, or look for alternative method, maybefrom_json_keyfile_dict
– Dempsey