To set the map zoom level to include all the location markers, I have tried two options as suggested in this post.
Here's what I did:
export class LocationSelectionComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
@ViewChild('AgmMap') agmMap: AgmMap;
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.agmMap.mapReady.subscribe(map => {
const bounds: LatLngBounds = new window['google'].maps.LatLngBounds();
for (const mm of this.mapMarkers) {
if (mm.latitude !== this.currentLocationLatitude && mm.longitude !== this.currentLocationLongitude) {
bounds.extend(new window['google'].maps.LatLng(mm.latitude, mm.longitude));
Note that this.mapMarkers is an array which contains the coordinates for the map markers. These are populated in ngOnInit()
As mentioned in the comment of the above post, I've also tried the following:
onMapReady(map: AgmMap) {
const bounds: LatLngBounds = new window['google'].maps.LatLngBounds();
for (const mm of this.mapMarkers) {
if (mm.latitude !== this.currentLocationLatitude && mm.longitude !== this.currentLocationLongitude) {
bounds.extend(new window['google'].maps.LatLng(mm.latitude, mm.longitude));
// @ts-ignore
then in HTML:
<agm-map #AgmMap [latitude]="latitude" [longitude]="longitude"
[fullscreenControl]="true" [mapTypeControl]="true" (mapReady)="onMapReady($event)">
<agm-marker *ngFor="let m of mapMarkers; let i = index"
But in both instances, I don't get the map zoomed out as I expect. The reason is, when I debug the code, the mapMarkers array is empty in both instances. How do I fix this?