I am wondering whether it is possible to set the date format in the html <input type="date"></input>
tag... Currently it is yyyy-mm-dd, while I need it in the dd-mm-yyyy format.
I found same question or related question on stackoverflow
Is there any way to change input type=“date” format?
I found one simple solution, You can not give particulate Format but you can customize Like this.
HTML Code:
<input type="date" id="dt" onchange="mydate1();" hidden/>
<input type="text" id="ndt" onclick="mydate();" hidden />
<input type="button" Value="Date" onclick="mydate();" />
CSS Code:
#dt{text-indent: -500px;height:25px; width:200px;}
Javascript Code :
function mydate()
function mydate1()
d=new Date(document.getElementById("dt").value);
If you're using jQuery, here's a nice simple method
$("#dateField").val(new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10));
Or there's the old traditional way:
document.getElementById("dateField").value = new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10)
Why not use the html5 date control as it is, with other attributes that allows it work ok on browsers that support date type and still works on other browsers like firefox that is yet to support date type
<input type="date" name="input1" placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD" required pattern="[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}" title="Enter a date in this formart YYYY-MM-DD"/>
I made a lot of research and I don't think one can force format of the <input type="date">
The browser select the local format, and depending on user settings, if the user's language is in English, the date will be displayed to the English format (mm/dd/yyyy).
In my opinion, the best solution is to use a plugin to control the display.
Jquery DatePicker seems a good option since you can force the localization, date format ...
I came up with a slightly different answer than anything above that I've read.
My solution uses a small bit of JavaScript and an html input.
The Date accepted by an input results in a String formatted as 'yyyy-mm-dd'. We can split it and place it properly as a new Date().
Here is basic HTML:
<form id="userForm">
<input type="text" placeholder="1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6" id="userNumbers" />
<input type="date" id="userDate" />
<input type="submit" value="Track" />
Here is basic JS:
let userDate = document.getElementById('userDate').value.split('-'),
parsedDate = new Date((`${userDate[1]}-${userDate[2]}-${userDate[0]}`));
You can format the date any way you like. You can create a new Date() and grab all the info from there... or simply use 'userDate[]' to build your string.
Keep in mind, some ways that a date is entered into 'new Date()' produces an unexpected result. (ie - one day behind)
For formatting in mm-dd-yyyy
aa = date.split("-")
date = aa[1]+'-'+aa[2]+'-'+aa[0]
Here's one option. When the user is entering the date, the function reformats it. When they click the submit button, it populates the result div
with the date in the format you're looking for.
<div id="result"></div>
<p>Enter some text:
<input type="date" name="txt" id="datefield" onchange="dateval(value)"></p>
<button onclick="postdate()">submit</button>
var a;
// Set the *value* of the input element to
// yyyy-mm-dd (text is unchanged)
function dateval(val) {
var dv = document.getElementById("datefield");
a = val.split("-").reverse().join("-");
dv.type = "text";
dv.value = a;
// Extract the yyyy-mm-dd value from the inpuut element,
// format it to dd-mm-yyyy and put it in the div
function postdate() {
var dv = document.getElementById("datefield");
var z = a.split("-").reverse().join("-");
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = a;
dv.type = "date";
dv.value = z;
I don't know this for sure, but I think this is supposed to be handled by the browser based on the user's date/time settings. Try setting your computer to display dates in that format.
short direct answer is no or not out of the box but i have come up with a method to use a text box and pure JS code to simulate the date input and do any format you want, here is the code
date :
<span style="position: relative;display: inline-block;border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;height: 24px;width: 500px">
<input type="date" class="xDateContainer" onchange="setCorrect(this,'xTime');" style="position: absolute; opacity: 0.0;height: 100%;width: 100%;"><input type="text" id="xTime" name="xTime" value="dd / mm / yyyy" style="border: none;height: 90%;" tabindex="-1"><span style="display: inline-block;width: 20px;z-index: 2;float: right;padding-top: 3px;" tabindex="-1">▼</span>
<script language="javascript">
var matchEnterdDate=0;
//function to set back date opacity for non supported browsers
window.onload =function(){
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.setAttribute('value', 'some text');
if(input.value === "some text"){
allDates = document.getElementsByClassName("xDateContainer");
for (var i = 0; i < allDates.length; i++) {
allDates[i].style.opacity = "1";
//function to convert enterd date to any format
function setCorrect(xObj,xTraget){
var date = new Date(xObj.value);
var month = date.getMonth();
var day = date.getDate();
var year = date.getFullYear();
document.getElementById(xTraget).value=day+" / "+month+" / "+year;
1- please note that this method only work for browser that support date type.
2- the first function in JS code is for browser that don't support date type and set the look to a normal text input.
3- if you will use this code for multiple date inputs in your page please change the ID "xTime" of the text input in both function call and the input itself to something else and of course use the name of the input you want for the form submit.
4-on the second function you can use any format you want instead of day+" / "+month+" / "+year for example year+" / "+month+" / "+day and in the text input use a placeholder or value as yyyy / mm / dd for the user when the page load.
We can change this yyyy-mm-dd format to dd-mm-yyyy in javascript by using split method.
let dateyear= "2020-03-18";
let arr = dateyear.split('-') //now we get array of these and we can made in any format as we want
let dateFormat = arr[2] + "-" + arr[1] + "-" + arr[0] //In dd-mm-yyyy format
I've written simple method due to solve this issue with vanilla js. You can add it to your toolbox then use somewhere you need.
function SetDateToInput(date) {//gg-mm-yyy ===> yyyy-mm-dd
let dateArray = date.split('-')
if (dateArray[0].length == 1) dateArray[0] = "0" + dateArray[0]
var newDate = `${dateArray[2]}-${dateArray[1]}-${dateArray[0]}`
return newDate
Note that if the lenght of the day less than 10, you should prepend it with "0" with it like third line. Otherwise input wont be able to show the date you want properly.
Using :
<script src="source"></script>//add your toolbox file here
document.getElementById("startEdit").value = SetDateToInput(data.startDate)
The format of the date value is 'YYYY-MM-DD'
. See the following example
<input value="2015-11-30" name='birthdate' type='date' class="form-control" placeholder="Date de naissance"/>
All you need is to format the date in php, asp, ruby or whatever to have that format.
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