I am using SimpleMembership (http://blog.osbornm.com/archive/2010/07/21/using-simplemembership-with-asp.net-webpages.aspx) but I am unable to have place my custom user table in a schema other than dbo.
For example, this call will stubbornly create a table named "dbo.MySchema.User"
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection(connectionStringName: "ApplicationServices", userTableName: "MySchema.User", userIdColumn: "ID", userNameColumn: "Username", autoCreateTables: true);
I also tried creating the table manually but the library still tries to append "dbo" when running the query.
Do I need a custom provider? I'm not 100% sure if I will use SimpleMembership however it could save me the trouble of writing a bunch of user/auth code.