You need to wrapp all your content in a element with the ID of skrollr-body
. All elements that is not position:fixed; in your css goes inside the skrollr-body
From Skrollr website:
Starting with skrollr 0.6.0 there's just one thing you need to do: Include an element on your page with the id skrollr-body. That's the element we move in order to fake scrolling. The only case where you don't need a #skrollr-body is when using position:fixed exclusively. In fact the skrollr website doesn't include a #skrollr-body element. If you need both fixed and non-fixed (i.e. static) elements, put the static ones inside the #skrollr-body element.
Or to put it differently: On mobile the skrollr-body element is moved using CSS transforms. You can't have position:fixed or background-attachment:fixed inside elements which use CSS transforms as per CSS spec ( That's why those elements need to be outside of the skrollr-body element.
element – Ocotillo