When I learned how to start NSApplications on my own, the code I used (based on here and here) did
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
which forces the app to the front at startup.
I'd like to know what most other apps do. I want to be able to run programs both directly from the binary and from an app bundle, and I'm not using Xcode to build this (raw building). So I'd rather this act naturally, so to speak.
The docs do say Finder issues NO
, but... why Finder? Isn't this a method that's run from within the process, not outside? (I'm not in control of the choice.) And what about the Dock and other possible entry points?
I even went so far as to disassemble 10.8's NSApplicationMain()
to see what it did, but as far as I can tell from the 32-bit version, unless this "light launch" thing issues this selector, this selector is never called.
Is there an answer to this question? Thanks... and sorry if this is confusing; I tried to word it as clearly as possible.