Let's say I make the following insertions into my GraphDB 8.3 triplestore:
PREFIX : <http://example.com/>
insert data { :hello a :word }
PREFIX : <http://example.com/>
insert data { graph :farewells { :goodbye a :word }}
now, if I ask
select * where {
graph ?g {
?s ?p ?o .
I only get
| ?g | ?s | ?p | ?o |
| <http://example.com/farewells> | <http://example.com/goodbye> | <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> | <http://example.com/word> |
I can obviously get both "triples about words" with the following, but then the named-graph membership is not shown
select * { ?s ?p ?o }
How can I write a query that retrieves both triples about words and indicates that { :goodbye a :word }
comes from graph :farewells